onsdag 14. juli 2010

Pre: Skippergata (skissearbeid)

anger is such an easy word. there is no anger. I want to hold you too tight, but there is no
anger. fear. I want to punch you, but love that is. the name of air.
"Stick your tounge out". He asked "Are you often angry?" I guess my tounge was red. is pink more or less anger?
the violence. violent is just a lack of care. "But what do you want them to call you by?", the boy of Shortness was told by the Ask. my name "of course", Ed. and not (and not Dwarf, as someone tended to). he was six. slip not. don't call me
anger. that is your violence. ask me why or answer me when I ask you why I stick my tounge out in the air. better tell before quest is the only reality of time. "you are angry", assumption, as if I was a colour in his eye. and the door in my face,
the touch of your hand is the form of a handle. in high speed that is. pain. before red. before liquid. before highness. anger is just rytmn. love is time. tend is name.
attention. such a word.


fredag 9. juli 2010

"For anybody even remotely considering this stunt (adequately explained in the definitions) or for those who somehow think the idea of a donkey punch is amusing, I have the following opinion from a prosecutor at our local District Attorney's Office:

Donkey punching is easily indictable as a serious felony on two counts.

First: deadly assault. A blow to the back of the head is can easily cause a severe or fatal brain stem injury; even no-holes-barred professional fights ban it.

Second: it is rape, pure and simple. The logic of this would be easily understood by any jury. The object and motivation of donkey punching is clear and unambiguous: it is to render the victim unconcious and thus incapable of saying "NO" to something the victim would ordinarily and vigorously object to.

Our office, given proper evidence would, with great eagerness and dertermination, prosecute a case such as this. The probablility of conviction would be virtually certain. Furthermore, we could convincingly argue that the perpetrator(s) are to be regarded as dangerous sex criminials and thus pose a clear community danger while awaiting trial. Few judges would deny our argument that the perpetrators should be imprisioned while awaiting trial.

In addition, there is ample precedence for conviction of those encouraging these crimes on seperate felony crimes of aiding and abetting a sexual assault. A viewing of Jody Foster's "The Accused", based on an actual rape conviction, should make this plain to people.

In the case of a prearranged or planned assault, an additional and more serious charge of conspiracy would be added to the indictment."